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(323) 582-4474

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Adolfo, California

Si tiene problemas con su dentadura consulte Karina, ella le ayudará A mi ella me ayudó, ahorita tengo mi dentadura renovada Karina Herrera

Walkidhia Forte, Los Angeles, CA

Before coming here I was EXTREMELY fearful of the dentist. Dr. D.Kim was absolutely amazing. He was very patient and understanding. He explained every step of the procedure and made sure I was comfortable the entire time. His helper Marvella was also very nice and professional. The X-ray tech was also awesome! Great experience overall.

Maria M., Southgate

I love this place. They are so caring and give me and my family the very best care. Maggie is wonderful! I also love the way the Doctors explain my treatment, and that we can see all the different specialties at one location. Both of my children get ortho here- we love Dr. Dan! This place is like a family. I highly recommend them!!

Arianna A., Glendale

Loving my Orthodontist he is the best, thank you Dr. Dan for changing my beautiful smile.

Healthy Smiles

What does your smile say about you? Let us help you radiate confidence with a healthy smile.
